Neon Pink Wedding Dress Under Construction!

Brooks Ann Camper Bridal Couture

100+ hours into the process, I am finally taking Lila Rose’s actual wedding dress to the sewing machine!  Out of the 170 hours projected for this project, I probably spend no more than 10 of them at the sewing machine.  The majority of the time is spent designing, patterning, mockups, fittings, shopping, pressing, cutting and […]

Underlining: The Couturier’s Friend

Brooks Ann Camper Bridal Couture

Underlining!  If there is one step that takes a garment from homemade to couture, it is underlining.  If you sew and don’t know about underlining, once you try it you’ll see that it makes all the difference in the world in your quality. Underlining is often also known as flat lining, interlining, or innerlining.  Not […]

Loosely Threaded pt.1

I’ve been blogging specifically about Greta’s wedding dress for many months.  This post will feature other projects that have been going on in my life, all at least loosely related to sewing and/or weddings and then loosely threaded together. As soon as I finished Greta’s dress, I began handcrafting the dress that I would be […]

Finally, the skirt!

The gorgeous shantung arrived and I got straight to work handcrafting Greta’s skirt for assembly! Just as I did with the Iceberg Blue Silk Jacquard, I prepped and underlined the shantung.  It’s harder to see the handstitches when they are white on white, but in the photo above you can see where I’ve started hand […]

Iceberg Blue Silk Jaquard

When I last wrote about the process of creating Greta’s custom couture wedding dress, I was still waiting for the main dress fabric to arrive via special order.   In the meantime, I still had plenty to work on and had just cut all of the Underlining pieces that will hide inside of Greta’s dress.

Working from the Inside Out: Underlinings and Linings

One of the techniques that really makes a garment couture is the use of underlining.  Though it adds many hours to the dressmaking process, it adds elegance, control, and the ability to hide all of your stitches from the outside of a garment.  I find it an invaluable technique and I am happy to share […]