Focused on teaching, Brooks Ann is not currently accepting bridal clients. Enjoy looking around!

Jill’s Bridal Blog Series

Jill's custom wedding jacket by Brooks Ann Camper Bridal Couture

Follow the full story of Jill’s bridal blog series (which was my 2nd series) starting November 1, 2009:

Jacket and Jill

Creative Consultation

Setting the Scene

Fabric Swatching


Flat Patterning without Measurements

I Love Flat Patterning.


Butterfly Bouquet

First (and Only!) Fitting

Pattern Corrections

Happy Accidents

Balancing Act

Gussets and Beads

Finishing Touches

Choosing the Perfect Closure

Jacket Closed

Old Veil, New Look

Final Photoshoot

Bridal Portraits by Greg Pearson

Just Married!