I’ve been blogging for TEN YEARS now, ya’ll!
In “My 10 Year Blogiversary pt. 1”, I share links to each bridal blog series that I’ve created over the past decade. If you follow along in order, you’ll see a clear evolution in my business, my skills, my writing, and my photography.
But not all of my blog posts follow a wedding dress’s progress, which brings me to pt. 2! In this, my #288th post, I’ll share a round-up of my most popular posts on other topics! There are retrospective posts, posts about sewing techniques and tools, posts about clothes I’ve made for myself, personal posts, and more… Thanks so much for following along!
Origins and Evolutions
While each bridal blog series is linear and chronological, the other posts on my blog are a little more random. I’ll try to loosely thread them together by topic, starting with ones that share a little more about me and what I do.
The Beginnings
The Custom Couture Process
Most Popular!
Former Day Job
Home Sewing Room
Tools & Techniques
My next attempt to loosely thread popular posts together, I’ll share posts about sewing tools and techniques. Since my blog is mostly about following the story of each wedding dress, I save most of this kind of sharing for my online workshops. That said, these posts are often very popular so I’ll consider adding more when I have time!
My Sewing Machines
DIY Sewing Room Table
DIY Ironing Table
Small Sewing Space Solutions
Love to Sew
Personal Projects
Continuing to loosely thread blog topics together, I’ll share posts about making things for myself! My passion is helping others look great. Unless I’m heading to a wedding where I made the bride’s dress or I’m creating for myself on-camera for one of my online classes, I’m firmly in the camp of ‘the dressmaker has no clothes’.
Dyeing for a Change
Loosely Threaded
Two Weddings and a Funeral
My Best Friend's Wedding
Nerdy Sewing Details
Hanging by a Thread
These fun posts seem to be a little bit bridal blog, a little bit personal post, and a little bit unique.
Steampunk Bridal
Sewing for My Mom!
Published January 15, 2015
Helping Other Brides
Hidden in between ten years of bridal blog series, there are also random posts about business growth, and press, and teaching… but I hope you enjoy these loosely threaded highlights as much as I enjoyed creating and sharing them! Binge em all or pick your favorites!
And none of this would have happened without all of you! THANK YOU SO MUCH for following along and for all your support in these first 10 years of blogging.
Cheers to 10 more!
NEXT POST: I made myself a dress! And I documented the process! And I’ll share it with you!
Then (unless ya’ll express a burning desire for another topic), I’ll likely jump right into sharing my next bridal blog series following Tiffany!
ALSO: The last 2019 session of Skirt Skills, my intro to custom sewing online workshop, opens for registration very soon! Learn more at SkirtSkills.com.